The river plays melodies for it is full now

And its waters dance on rocks

And patter on iron sheets.

Tree leaves chatter, and wave

To the hurrying wind

Fellowshipping with the sea of clouds

Vomiting onto the earth.

A great shower drains the African soil

Adorning landscape and sweeping away soil’s fatigue.

Africa wears new garments!

Children play in the rains, and tickle the air with

Their merry laugh. Elders stomp the muddy ground with heavy feet

And call to each other through the whistling wind.

Birds wheel out about there in the sky

Shaking their feathers and charging in the rushing clouds

Across the sky to their nests.

Martin Chrispine Juwa is a Malawian poet with publications in BNAP 2018 and 2019 Anthologies, Pensive Journal, LOCKDOWN 2020, After Lockdown, JAYL issue 2,Scribble Publication, Walking the Battlefield Anthology, etc