Yaa Gyasi has been shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Literature 2021 for her second novel, Transcendent Kingdom.The Women’s Prize for Fiction, started in 1996, is awarded annually to a female author of any nationality for the best original full-length novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom in the preceding year.

Chair of judges and novelist Bernardine Evaristo, said: ‘Coming up with a longlist of sixteen books for this prize was relatively easy compared to whittling the selection down to six novels, which by necessity demands more consensus. Sadly, we had to lose so many exceptional books that we loved. However, with this shortlist, we are excited to present a gloriously varied and thematically rich exploration of women’s fiction at its finest. These novels will take the reader from a rural Britain left behind to the underbelly of a community in Barbados; from inside the hectic performance of social media to inside a family beset by addiction and oppression; from a tale of racial hierarchy in America to a mind-expanding tale of altered perceptions. Fiction by women defies easy categorization or stereotyping, and all of these novels grapple with society’s big issues expressed through thrilling storytelling. We feel passionate about them, and we hope readers do too.’

The 25th winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction will be announced on Wednesday, July 7, 2021.

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Image source: The San Francisco Examiner