Lowle, a Pan-African magazine committed to championing African voices, is organizing a 12 week writing workshop program for writers. Participants will “learn more about writing while also getting valuable feedback and edits on their own work.” The workshop will cover different areas of craft, as well as the difficulties that come with Editing and Publishing.

It will be led by Troy Onyango,  the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lolwe; and is only limited to six participants.

Founded in January 2020 by Troy Onyango, Lowle is a Pan-African magazine that aims to amplify the work of writers, poets and visual artists from Africa, Caribbean and the Black diaspora.

Published works have been nominated/shortlisted for various awards including the Caine Prize for African Writing. They also submit their writers to the Pushcart Prize and O. Henry Prize.

Click here for more details about the workshop.