The editors at 20.35 Africa Poetry are currently seeking submissions for Vol. 4 of 20.35 Africa Poetry, which will be guest-edited by Nadra Mabrouk & K. Eltinae.

Submissions have been open since 1st February and will close on 16th March 2021.
The anthology is open to African poets between the ages of 20 (or who would be 20 by the time of publication) and 35.

20.35 Africa’s Vol. 1 was guest-edited by Safia Elhillo and Gbenga Adesina, Vol. 2 by Yasmin Belkhyr and Kayo Chingonyi, and Vol. 3 by I.S. Jones and Cheswayo Mphanza.

Here are the submission guidelines:

  1. Submissions may cut across various themes. Each contributor may send three poems ONLY. Poems have to be properly edited before they are sent.
  2. The anthology is exclusively for African poets: Someone born in Africa, or whose parents (at least one) are African, or someone who currently lives in Africa and has done so for a minimum of ten years.
  3. Contributors published in the latest volume are not eligible for this volume, but may send in works for subsequent editions
  4. Poets who have had a full-length book or a chapbook or pamphlet published in electronic or print format can submit; poets who have not been published in any form or on any literary forum/outlet, and fall into the acceptable age bracket, are encouraged to submit as well.
  5. Poems have to be written in English; works translated into English from any African languages may be submitted, but they must be submitted alongside their original.
  6. There is no stipulation as to the content of submitted poems, but no poem should be more than 40 lines in length.
  7. Identifying information: names of poet, address, phone numbers, publication history, should NOT be included in the manuscript or in the body of the email. Submit through your personal email address and include the same email address on the last page of your manuscript. Submissions will be judged solely on merit.
  8. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if any of your poems is accepted elsewhere. Poems must be the original work of the contributor
  9. All entries must be submitted in a SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT, typed in TIMES NEW ROMAN, font 12, single-spaced, and sent via email only to the 20.35 Africa Team at
  10. The email subject should read “20.35 AFRICA SUBMISSION”
  11. Submissions must be written in black ink; no colors
  12. Each poem must have a title
  13. Accepted contributors must be available at all times, for the necessary editing of their works and correspondence that may follow
  14. The editors hope to respond to every submission by the end of June; however, there may be a delay in response time pending the editors’ final decision
  15. The editors will not entertain any inquiries concerning submission status till after June
  16. All inquiries must be sent to; inquiries sent to the submissions email address will not be read
  17. Deadline for submissions is midnight (UTC+01:00) of 16 March 2021
  18. Except on verified cases of plagiarism or when a piece published poem violates any form of human rights, we do not take down works once they have been published in our anthology or on our website.
    Any enquiry about 20.35 Africa series should be directed to
    Good luck!