Writer’s Space Africa is currently accepting submissions for its maiden anthology of short stories on the theme “Rebirth.” The editors are looking for “new styles and bold new stories and narratives that would shake tables”.

Submissions are currently open and will end on 7th March 2021. The anthology is scheduled for publication in July 2021. Accepted contributors will be notified ahead of time. The anthology will be available as an eBook.

Writer’s Space Africa is an international literary magazine managed by the African Writers Development Trust. The magazine features a “rich diversity of writings from African writers to a global audience.”

Submission Guidelines

1. Submit one short story no more than 2000 words in a doc./docs./PDF file to was.nigeria@gmail.com

2. The story should be in Times New Roman. Font 12, single line spacing.

3. Entries are only open to Nigerian s (born in Nigeria or born to at least one Nigerian parent.)

4. Include your city, email address, phone number, social media handles and brief biography in the body of the email.

Further enquiry should be addressed to wsa.nigeria@gmail.com.

Click here for more details.