Eligible writers are invited to apply to the second edition of the Idembeka Creative Writing Workshop. There are no entry fees and attendance is free.

The workshop will be held virtually from the 9th to the 13th of January 2024.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only writers with three or fewer publications are eligible to apply (self-publication is excluded).
  • Entrants must be African and currently resident in Africa.

The Workshop

Classes will take place on Google Meets from 3PM – 5PM CAT by the following writers:

  • Jamal Mahjoub
  • Natasha Omokhodion
  • Kasimma
  • Uche Peter Umezurike

Submission Guidelines

  • Prose entries (fiction and creative nonfiction) should not exceed 1000 words.
  • Poetry: A maximum of 5 pages.
  • Manuscript format: Font 12 (Times New Roman or Arial), Margin: 0.5. Left aligned, Double spaced. Poetry can be single spaced.
  • Submissions will be judged blindly, so please omit all identifying information. No name/pen name, or email address should appear on your submission document. Only the story title should appear on the manuscript.
  • Application window: 1st November – 30th November 2023 or until the submissions cap of 100 is reached.
  • All submissions must be sent:
    • Via email to idembeka@gmail.com
    • In a PDF or Word document as an attachment.
    • The subject line must include the word 2024 SUBMISSION + your name, surname, and title of the story.
    • Use your name, surname and title of your story in the file naming section. i.e., Save your file using the following conventions: FIRST NAME, LAST NAME_STORY TITLE. E.g., JANE DUNNAMIS_THE HONEST POLITICIAN.
    • Please submit only unpublished work.
    • Simultaneous submissions are permitted, but no multiple submissions. Only one submission per entrant.
    • Add a cover letter in the body of your email, including your name, title of story, word count, address, contact details, and bio.

Any submissions that do not meet ANY of the guidelines will be deleted unread.

Successful candidates will be contacted via email.

Email idembeka@gmail.com before the deadline if you have any enquiries.