One of Africa’s best publishing houses, Masebe Books, is currently accepting fiction (novel and short story) manuscripts from February 1st – March 31st.

 Here is what they are interested in:

 We love African stories that deal with any one or more of the plethora of themes that engulf us; stories that resonate, written simply; stories from this side of the world with a universal appeal; something new, something exciting, stories that make your heart race and your hands shake; books that you want to press into the hands of all your friends immediately and stand over them until they’ve finished so you can discuss it together. If you think you have what it takes to be a Masobe Author, send us a mail during our submissions window.

Guidelines for Submissions

  • To submit your work, please click here and fill the submission form. Please note that only ONE submission per writer is allowed. Multiple submissions may lead to disqualification.
  • You will be required to attach a one-page synopsis of the work you are submitting in Microsoft Word. Please include all major plot points in your synopsis, including spoilers, and especially the end.
  • You will be required to attach a sample of the work in question. This should be the first 3 chapters or first 3 stories of your manuscript in Microsoft Word.
  • Send your manuscript sample in double-spaced, indented paragraph, left-justified only. We prefer Courier New font type with a font size of 12pt.

The editors will respond within eight weeks if they are provisionally interested in publishing your work, after which they would ask for more of your material. If after reading the rest of the work and they find it to their taste and cut, they would then present you with an offer. Due to the volume of submissions they receive, they may not be able to respond to you immediately. However, you would hear from them within 8 weeks.

Please note that Masobe Books is not accepting unsolicited poetry submissions or plays at this time. Unsolicited submissions sent to other Masobe email addresses may be overlooked. Hardcopy submissions will not be acknowledged or returned.