The Program is administered by Adventures From The Bedrooms of African Women.
Adventures From The Bedrooms of African Women is a blog started by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah and Malaka Grant. It aims to “seek out, support and amplify feminist content creators and their own singular vision.” And create a “space for African Women to share experiences of Sex and our diverse Sexualities.”
This fellowship is open to women and non-binary/gender non-conforming writers and content creators of African descent living on the continent. Two Writing Fellowships and one Social Media fellowship will be awarded over a period of five months.
Here is what you stand to get from the fellowship:
• Editorial support from Adventures editors to prepare publications across our various platforms;
• A $400 monthly honorarium, for a term of 5 months ($2000);
• An opportunity for your work to be presented at the annual Adventures Live! Festival in November, 2021.
Eligibility criteria.
• The fellow must be18 years and above at the time of application submission.
• Values an intersectional feminist framework and demonstrates commitment to the principles of feminism and human rights anti-oppression.
• Ability to work cooperatively with diverse communities and be respectful of the identities and opinions of others.
• Demonstrated knowledge and interest in issues around women’s sex, sexuality and other related issues.
• Strong computer and IT skills, including using the Internet, Google suite, skype, calendar, emailing, word processing, spreadsheets, web posting using content management software including wordpress etc.
• The Social Media Fellow should be knowledgeable and comfortable with using social media tools and have experience of media engagement.
Attach the following documents when submitting:
• A personal essay containing a one-paragraph biographical statement; one paragraph explaining why women’s sexual rights, pleasure, health and reproductive rights is important to you and how you hope to impact the Adventures Community with your work as an Adventurous fellow.
• Samples of your writing of between 500 – 1000 words. These can be submitted as links or in .pdf or .docx format.
• Samples of your illustrations, graphics, audio/video content.
Click here to apply.
There is no application fee. Good luck!