From Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Attention: Young Nigerians (and Nigerians Young at Heart)
On Friday, January 15th, I’ll put up a link to a short story (on Instagram). Read the story and send in your response by Sunday, January 17, 9pm West African Time.
Keep your response short. It should be a minimum of 100 words. It can be in any form and about anything in the short story. It can be about what you liked, disliked, what moved you, what struck you, what you learned, what surprised you. It can be a clever riff or a grave precis. It can illuminate a character, untangle a plot point, or lay bare a hidden motive.
Hint: the clearer it is that you read the story carefully and closely, the more likely you are to win.
I’ll choose the best response and the winner gets N50,000 naira, to be paid by bank transfer as soon as announced.
(Sorry this is limited to people with Nigerian naira bank accounts)
Let’s make reading cool again!
This announcement can be found on her Instagram handle. Follow CNA on Instagram to stay updated.