Making a New Year Writing Plan

Making a New Year Writing Plan

New Year resolutions have become so clichéd it gets a roll-my-eyes kind of response wheneverit is mentioned. Because cliché is where nuance is not. Boring. Yet the narrator in Yiyun li’sWhere Reason Ends, gives us a nuanced perspective on cliché: “What if life could...


Suppose our bones are parables, too old for the body to carry, or call them catalogs of broken cartilage, waiting to be stitched. Yesterday, under the withered guava tree, where my umbilical cord is buried,my grandmother spent the night stitching her bones like torn...


Too often, our cries for help are silent ones.Unheard. Unheeded. -Emily Believe it or not—depression is a veil closing our eyes. If you’ve walked through the long night of grief,you’ll see the ghost that lives in your head. You’ll see shadows hiding in your walls, and...